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Bagratids Dynasty (Bagratuni)

Third period of independence

885-890 - Ashot I�
890-914 - Sembat I�
914-929 - Ashot II, "of Iron"�
921 - Ashot, the Usurper�
929-953 - Abas�
953-977 - Ashot III, "the Merciful"�
977-989 - Sembat II, the Conqueror�
989-1020 - Gagik I (Shahenshah)�
1020-1042 - Sembat III or Hovhannes Sembat�
1020-1042 - Ashot IV�
1042-1045 - Gagik II (died 1079 at Cyzistra) - Surrender and sale of the city of Ani.
1045-1064 - Byzantine domination�
1047 - Second invasion by Seljukides. City of Ani Captured�
Kingdom of Vaspurakan (Ardzruni)�
914-937 - Katchik-Gagik�
937-953 - Derenik-Ashot�
953-972 - Abousahl-Hamazasp�
972-983 - Ashot-Sahak�
983-1003 - Gourgen-Khatchik�
1003 - Seneqerim-Hovannes (died 1026)�
1027-1037 - David, at Sivas
1037-1080 - Atom, at Sivas�
1037-1080 - Abousahl, at Sivas�
Kingdom of Kars�
962-984 - Mushegh�
984-989 - Abas�
1029-1064 - Gagik (died in Greece 1080)
Kingdom of Armenian Albania�
David died 1046�
1046-1082 - Korike�

The Principality and Kingdom of Cilicia (1080)
Fourth period of independence
Roupenian Dynasty

1. Barons

1080-1095 - Roupen I�
1095-1099 - Constantine I, The Crusaders in Armenia
1099-1129 - Theros I�
1129-1137 - Leon I, died 1141 in Constantinople�
1137-1145 - Rule of the Byzantines�
1145-1169 - Thoros II�
1170-1175 - Mleh - Prince of Cilicia
1175-1187 - Roupen II�
1187-1196 - Leon II (Levon), then as King Leon I 1196-1219�
2. Kings & Queen
1196-1219 - Leon I� (crowned 1199)�
1219-1252 - Queen Zabel�
1222-1225 - Philip�
Hetoumian Dynasty (Kings)

1226-1270 - Hetoum I�
1270-1289 - Leon II�
1289-1297 - Hetoum II�
1293-1295 - Thoros�
1296-1298 - Sembat�
1298-1299 - Constantin I�
1301-1307 - Leon III�
1308-1320 - Oshin�
1320-1342 - Leon V�

Lusignan Dynasty (Kings)

1342-1344 - Guy de Lusignan or Constantin II�
1344-1363 - Constantin III�
1363-1365 - Leon IV�
1365-1373 - Constantin IV�
1374-1375 - Leon VI, Died in Paris, 1393
End of the Cilician Kingdom


End of 14th c. to 17th c. - A period of impoverishment & decadence in Armenian Culture
End of 14th c. - Tamburlaine invades Armenia

1512 - First Armenian book printed, in Venice.

Mid 15th c.-1585 - Ottomans & Iranian Safarids Dynasty fought for dominion over Anatolia & the Caucasian region

1585 -Ottomans succeeded in annexing the eastern part of Armenia as far as the Caucasus.

1602-1620 - Armenians deported from Julfa (Djugh) to Isfahan (New Julfa) by king Shah Abbas I of Persia, (100,000 people).�

Liberation Movements - The start of the "Armenian question"

1677-1711 - Israel Ori: independence struggle

1715 - The Mekhitarist Fathers in Venice

1722-1730 - Davit' Bek fights the Ottomans

1762-1796 - Attempts by General Hovsep' (Joseph) Emin & Archbishop Hovsep' Arghut'ian to form an anti-Islamic coalition between Gorgia, Russia & the Armenians failed.

1828 - The treaty of Turkmencay - Eastern Armenia annexed by Russia under the rule of Czar Paul I.

1839 - Tanzimat movement, promoted by Sultan Mahmud II as a stimulus and program for an approach by the Ottoman Empire to the Western culture.

1840-1880 - The Reawakening (Zart'onk) - Expansion of schools and attempts to set up the periodical press. Abolition of clerical monopoly over culture. Changes in the day to day lifestyle. New merchant classes emerged along with professional people, artisans and above all a new class of intellectuals.

1885-1890 - The founding of the three main Armenian political parties: Armenakan (1885, Armenian); Hntchakian (1887, socialist); and Dashnaktsakan (1890).

1893-1894 - Arrests and most atrocious treatments were being carried out by the Ottoman Turks against the Christians (Armenians). Heavy taxes were imposed, hundreds of Armenian civilians were cast into Turkish prisons, stripped of their clothes and tortured in the most diabolical manner. A new low by the Turkish gov. saw the word "Armenia" stricken out of every book. Rights to worship the Christian religion was suppressed. Many more restrictions and laws were put forth to further suppress the Christian communities in the Turkish empire.

1894 onward - Massacres of Armenians at Sassun, Trebizond, Erzrum, Harput, Antab, Marash, Urfa, Bitlis and many other Armenian towns and surrounding villages.

1908 - The Ramkavar political party was founded and few years later the Armenian Communist Party.

1908-1909 - The "Young Turk" Regime came to power in Turkey - Sultan Abdul-Hamid was deposed and exiled to Salonika

1915-1918 - World War I - Over 1.5 million Armenians were massacred and deported out of their homeland by the Turkish Government.

May 28, 1918 - Sardarabat battle (Independence Day) and the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia (1918-1920)

1920 - Treaty of Sevres

1920-1991 - Soviet Armenian Republic

The New Independent Republic of Armenia

September 21, 1991 - Independence day - The establishment of the second Republic of Armenia

October 16, 1991 - Levon Ter-Petrosian elected first President of the Republic of Armenia

April 1998 - Robert Kocharyan was elected the second President of the Republic of Armenia

April 2002 - Robert Kocharyan's re-election for the President of the Republic of Armenia

� HyeEtch

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