Park kezee, Der, park kezee, paravoryal takavor, vor mezee oorakhootyan geragoor duveer, yev koo amenarad voghormootya'nut leeootenen letsootseer mer surderuh. A'yzhum mez letsoor nayev koo soorp hokio'vut, vorbes zee koo archevut jajelee ullank yev amotov chumnank. Yasn zee toon beedee kas yev yoorakanchyooreen beedee hadootsanes guh vayele park, eeshkhanootyoon yev badeev, a'yzhum yev meeshd yev haveedyanus haveedeneets. Amen.
Ays seeghaneen vrayi leeootyoo'nuh Kreesdos mer Asdva'dzuh, vor geragrets yev leeatsoots mez, anbagas yev ansbar une. Park anor haveedya'nus. Amen.
The head of the table says:
Glory to you, Lord. Glory to you, King of glory, for you have given us the food of joy and have filled our hearts out of the fullness of your all-satisfying mercy. Fill us now with your Holy Spirit, so that we may please you and not be ashamed. For you will come and reward us each according to our deeds. And you are worthy of glory, dominion and honor, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.
All respond:
May Christ our God, who has fed us and filled us, make the fullness of this table constant and abundant. Glory to him forever. Amen.